Ismael Miranda is stable and under observation

The renowned salsa singer Ismael Miranda shows a stable health picture and would like to return home after her re-recording last Wednesday.

This was reported by the salsero’s family through their social networks, and they shared the reasons that motivated the artist to be hospitalized again after being discharged on March 1.

“We want to inform you about Ismael Miranda’s trial and condition since comments have emerged that are untrue about his health,” clarifies the press release signed by Janice Battle, wife of the “Pretty Boy” of salsa.

The singer was released from HealthSouth Hospital in Manatí, where he underwent rehabilitation therapies. However, on March 3, the family decided to transfer the singer to hospital “because of changes in his health,” the family said.

“In accordance with the emergency medical protocol, the required tests were performed, which showed no change; but they decide to observe him for his earlier diagnosis. Until now and thank goodness he is stable and eager to return home to continue his therapies ”.

The 70-year-old salsa singer was hospitalized on January 22 for dizziness. According to the tests he was subjected to, he had suffered a stroke. The artist underwent surgery for complications in the cerebellum.

On Wednesday, Miranda’s wife indicated in an interview with Primera Hora that the singer was already home – after spending about three weeks in a rehabilitation center – but months of recovery awaited him.
