Is Emilio Osorio still a virgin?

Emilio Osorio he confessed! The actor spoke openly about his sex life and even gave advice to young people to be safe intimate.

The son of Niurka Marcos Y Juan Osorio He had no qualms about accepting that he already had his first timealthough he did not reveal who or what it was.

“Talking about my private part is very difficult for me because I am a very private person”the artist said, laughing to the press.

emilio osorio confesses that he is not a virgin

In addition, the 18-year-old singer recommended young people to take precautionary measures before taking such an important step in their lives.

“That they try to take good advice, which I think is what they gave me … just be sure what they do, to protect always – it’s stupid * not to protect yourself – and always make sure you do it with someone who feels the same way you do “he said.

On the other hand, he assured that he would be happy if his mother finds love again, because if she is happy, he will too. He even joked that I hope Niurka has a heartthrob with different houses to meet.

niurka marcos emilio osorio friends

The Aftermath of Covid-19

After conquering the coronavirus, Emilio Osorio also shared that he has aftermath of the disease, which he described as “Crap”

“Although I am 18 years old and have been on a diet, I have taken care of myself, I am well vitaminized (…) weeks have passed and there are days when I need to sleep for at least 30 minutes because of the fatigue I feel (…) I need to sleep to feel good again. There are suddenly hellish headaches “
