In this McDonald’s they apologize to their customers because no one wants to work

No one can deny that the coronavirus pandemic has triggered a serious economic crisis, since the restrictions and health recommendations have reduced the economic flow in the vast majority of businesses, forcing many to close permanently.

Concerned about the plight of millions of people in the United States, the government launched a program consisting of the delivery of stimulus controls to help the population, which has brought many benefits, but also some drawbacks.

One of the problems stemming from incentive checks and reported by some entrepreneurs is that people are not interested in going back to work because they receive the money from the government.

On the topic, recently A video shot in a McDonald’s store in the US went viral, which was forced to place a sign at the entrance to apologize to its customers for not having enough staff to serve them quickly.

“We are understaffed. Be patient with the staff who showed up (to work). Nobody wants to work anymore ”, you read on the yellow sign at this McDonald’s.

@ mariekederksen3

All of you, our McDonald’s is furious AF 😂😂

♬ Oh no no no – Music Falcon

The video already contains more than a million reproductions and many users have expressed their solidarity with the staff of this McDonald’s and invited all customers to be patients; others also indicated that it reflects the labor of many restaurants today.

Several media outlets have indicated that, despite some businesses returning to relative normalcy due to pandemic constraints, many restaurants are having trouble hiring staff, even closing many places because they couldn’t find people who were willing. to work, as many prefer to continue to receive financial support from the government.

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