‘I’m not afraid of anything. How can you believe a criminal, “said” Pepe “Lobo after Cachiro’s allegations

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Former president Porfirio Lobo Sosa told the media on Friday that he is prepared to go to court New York if called to testify after the allegations, Devis Leonel Rivera Maradiaga, former cartel leader The Cachiros

Rivera maradiaga disclosed that the government of “Pepe” Lobo (2010-2014) helped Los Cachiros launder money. “He gave us several road contracts. Pepe Lobo’s government paid us with checks from the government of Honduras and so the money was taken out of the drug trafficking“he assured.

“I’m not afraid of anything. How can you believe a criminal who wants to reduce his punishment … I presented myself with the Public prosecutor’s office and I contacted the embassy of U.S and I exchanged contacts with the ambassador. In addition, my lawyer signed up USA and here we are, ”Lobo Sosa replied.

Also read: El Cachiro says he bribed Mel Zelaya, Ricardo Álvarez and JOH

He assured that the former Los Cachiros Cartel leader has been repeating the same lies since his son’s 2017 trial. StateFor this to happen, the legally required guidelines must be followed.

“To get contracts with your company, you would need to be pre-qualified to perform work for the StateIn that particular case, I remember there was a committee that included Finance and even the US Embassy through an organization, so that if they gave him the contract, it followed legal guidelines. “

Sosa revealed that he met Los Cachiros because they were palm entrepreneurs in Tocoa, Colón, “they presented themselves that way and sneaked into investor meetings.”

He claims that until he met them until he joined the government and said in detail there were problems in the Security Councilas some judges were complacent with these “delinquents”.

“However, the military has curtailed the drug trade because there is a procedure that must be followed.”

Regarding the charges against the president Juan Orlando Hernandez He added that the charges in this case are on the level of senators and congressmen. “ However, if they have enough elements to put in a tax requirement they will do it, with the president they wouldn’t do it at the moment if not before he left the presidency, but I insist there is one committee should be established in the Congress to examine everything called in New YorkWhoever said fear, the one who owes nothing, fears nothing ”.
