‘I am leaving sad and am in debt because I do not get more titles’

Miguel Herrera claimed to be sad because he couldn’t get more titles with the Eagles of America

MEXICO – Miguel Herrera said goodbye America and he did not forget the Azulcrema fans, to which he dedicated a few words, after three and a half years of his tenure as Azulcrema quarterback, on his second chance as a team coach.

“I am infinitely grateful to the American fans who, thanks to their demand and support, kept me alert to success and happy. I am sad and in debt for not having won more titles,” he said.

‘Luis’ Herrera, who had to get used to becoming a trend in social networks in recent weeks, due to the #Louse, stated that the followers of America They will always be in my heart.

“Sometimes I failed in the attempt, but you, with your expressions of encouragement, motivated me to go on and achieve the goals,” he added, referring to fans.

Miguel Herrera He also thanked the board, staff and players in his letter on his Twitter account.

He pointed out that during his time in Coapa, he always received signs of affection, as did his coaching staff, in addition to the fact that the institution and the fans deserve more championships.

Today, the former US strategist pointed out that “life always gives revenge and I, for my part, will look for new horizons to give 100 percent as I always have.”
