How much chocolate can you eat per day if you eat healthy?

To consume foods rich in antioxidants, as part of a balanced and healthy diet, can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic disease. And it is at this point where the chocolateContrary to what you may think, it can play a fundamental role.

“It has been shown that cocoa flavonoids protect against oxidative attacks, curb reactive oxygen species and biomarkers of oxidative stress. In addition, epidemiological studies suggest cocoa consumption numerous beneficial effects on cardiovascular health”Explains Carlos Ríos.

But not all cocoa or chocolate is recommended. Not much less. “Both pure cocoa powder and chocolate, with over 80% cocoa, are healthy options, but with one high energy density -amount of energy that a food provides according to its weight- because of its fat and carbohydrate content ”, adds Ríos.

The problem of chocolate consumption It is given when ‘substitutes’ are consumed in highly recommended products such as ultra-processed foods or with less cocoa than previously stated. “In the ultra-workedNot only are these bioactive compounds lost; Instead, other ingredients are added that enhance the sensory properties and further increase the palatability. As some studies show, increasing the amount of sugar enhances the psychoactive and addictive effects, ”says Ríos.

“So, the health benefits Such as blood pressure control, better glucose tolerance, improvement of vascular function; and its aphrodisiac power would only be associated with dark chocolate (> 80%), ”emphasizes the nutritionist.

How Much Dark Chocolate Is Recommended?

How much chocolate is currently recommended for a healthy diet? “It is known that the social context, the emotional or mental state can play a determining role in its consumption. Chocolate addiction has been reported by at least 40% of the female population in Western countries; being the ‘chocoholismo’ or the inability to resist and the greatest longing returning after the first bite. In each case I recommend 2 ounces (2 squares) of dark chocolate (> 80%) per dayCarlos Ríos concludes.
