How many are the tickets for the fight between Canelo Álvarez and Yildirim?

Mexico City

The fight between Saul Alvarez Y Avni Yildirim is with the counted hours, it will be next February 27 when both boxers face each other above the ring in the Hard Rock Stadium, home of the Miami dolphins from NFLTherefore, ticket sales will go from strength to strength, a maximum thatThe competition will be held to the public despite the coronavirus pandemic

However, it should be noted that the Hard Rock Stadium, which has the capacity to 75 thousand 540 fans, solo opens its doors to 15 thousand fans, yes, with maximum health precautions avoid contamination of Covid-19 among those present.

And given that the capacity will be reduced, the tickets for the fight are between the Canelo against Yildirim costs Ticketmaster at $ 75 (1,532 pesos) the cheapest while the most expensive reaches $ 1,110 (22 thousand 480)

The Mexican feast as a big favorite against the Turk, though he must endorse him above the ring, where the super middleweight titles World Boxing Council (CMB) and the World Boxing Association (WITH).
