How do you know if you have coronavirus?

There are currently more than 95 million cases of it coronavirus and just over 2 million deaths. It is vital that patients are seen when the first symptomsbecause waiting days can cause complications disease.

It is important to know what the symptoms are COVID-19 the most common, which appear first and require more attention. So if someone gets infected, they can not only save their life but also prevent it contamination increase.

He coronavirus It has characteristics similar to the common flu that can confuse those who suffer from it, therefore it is very important not to be vigilant as you can infect someone else without knowing it. At, we tell you how to tell if you have coronavirus depending on your symptoms, although it’s best to get medical advice …

How do you know if you have the coronavirus?

Photo: Pixabay

How do I know if I have coronavirus based on symptoms?

After all these months of pandemicSpecialists around the world have conducted hundreds of studies to decipher the behavior of the coronavirus.

Magazine Annals of Internal Medicine, published by the American College of Physicians, published a study indicating that the patient is infected with COVID-19 symptoms begin after 5 days and no more than 11 days.

According to World Health Organisation (OMS) beyond muscle pain or cut body, the primary symptoms the ones that should get more attention are:

1. Fever: When the body has a fever, it is because it wants to give us a warning that something is not right in the body. An elevated body temperature is one of the first signs and one to watch out for.

2. Cough: Coronavirus is a respiratory illness and coughing is a sign of infection. It’s another symptom that needs to be addressed because as symptoms get worse, complications such as shortness of breath and the need to use oxygen arise.

According to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC), between 50 and 85% of those who are positive and admitted to hospitals because of Covid-19 have a dry cough.

3. Fatigue: Working or studying every day is tiring, but when you get sick with the coronavirus, the fatigue is long-lasting and different. About 75% of those infected have this symptom.

4. Loss of taste or smell: Before showing a fever or sore throat, coronavirus patients have a loss of taste or smell. 74% of patients suffer from it during the illness.

How do you know if you have the coronavirus?

Photo: Pixabay

Have you been vaccinated against Covid-19? This is what to avoid

Coronavirus and flu, differences and similarities

He coronavirus and the common flu They are diseases that have many similarities as well as differences. In the case of flu, as it has been around for a long time, doctors know how to treat and prevent it, a situation that does not happen with Covid-19 because it is a new virus, the SARS-CoV-2.

Similarities Between Coronavirus and Flu

1. They are contagious diseases of the respiratory tract. The origin is a virus.

2. They are spread through breath drops that are expelled when talking, coughing or sneezing.

3. They are spread by contact with a sick person less than 2 meters away.

4. The virus is spread when you touch your nose, mouth or eyes after touching an infected surface or object.

5. Common symptoms include cough, fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, and headache or muscle pain.

How do you know if you have the coronavirus?

Photo: Pixabay

Differences between coronavirus and flu

1. They are diseases caused by different viruses.

2. Covid-19 patients may have a loss of taste or smell.

3. Symptoms of the coronavirus occur 2 to 14 days after a person is infected. While flu symptoms start between 1 and 4 days after infection.

4. The flu can be treated with antivirals, while Covid-19 cannot.

