How do you achieve a state of well-being with Deepak Chopra?

Fitbit announced its partnership with Deepak Chopra, MD, Pioneer of Integrative Medicine and founder of the Chopra Foundation to launch the Deepak Chopra Mindful Method (Deepak Chopra’s Mindful Method), an exclusive wellness collection created and curated for Fitbit Premium members to make mindfulness practice more accessible to people around the world.

The Mindful method is designed to help you improve your emotional well-being as an important part of your overall health1, with audio and video sessions led by Deepak Chopra on relevant and impactful topics such as mindfulness, sleep, stress management, mental wellbeing and the connection between body and mind. The new collection expands on Fitbit’s existing stress management and awareness offering and continues to help you provide a comprehensive view of your holistic health to understand how each aspect fits together to impact your overall well-being.

Stress is more prevalent than ever during the pandemic, and adults in the US experienced the highest rate of mental health problems, such as stress, anxiety and grief, from March 2020 to May 20202. More than a third of women worldwide report effects of stress on physical and mental aspects that, if not controlled over time, can lead to negative health effects such as headaches, increased risk of heart disease, obesity and depression 3. Using mindfulness to better manage your emotional well-being through exercises such as meditation and breathing exercises can have a greater impact on other areas of your health, such as relieving stress, treating disorders such as depression and anxiety, improving sleep, and more 4.

Develop your well-being through Deepak Chopra’s Mindful method

Start or continue your own mindfulness practice today using the Fitbit Mindful method in the Explore tab of the Fitbit5 app, which includes over 30 inspiring mindfulness sessions for Fitbit Premium members of all skill levels. Each session takes less than 20 minutes to make it easier to adapt mindfulness to your day, on topics ranging from meditation, emotion management, daytime relaxation, stress relief and more. These topics are especially important because the higher percentage of mental health problems, such as stress, anxiety and sadness, increased during Pandemic 6. The collection offers more ways to practice mindfulness as we browse the current stressful environment, whether you are fighting against screen 24 hours. per day, 7 days a week fatigue, juggling work from home while managing your children’s virtual learning environment, taking care of the health of your loved ones loved ones or you just need inspiration to put yourself first.

The collection is launched with 10 audio and video sessions, including guided meditations, sessions to prepare for a good night’s sleep, and techniques to cultivate happiness and optimism when you need it. The collection will be expanded in the coming months with more than dozens of personalized sessions, including:

  • A focus on mindfulness for total wellness, which describes the benefits of meditation based on the four pillars of Deepak Chopra: mind, body, emotions and soul.
  • How to integrate mindfulness during the day, set the tone every morning, boost during a stressful workday, restore a bad mood and prepare for a good night’s sleep.
  • Deeper guidance to use mindfulness as a tool to increase awareness, manage stress and emotions, and develop concentration.

It is based on Fitbit’s mindfulness and stress management tools

Deepak Chopra’s Mindful Method adds to what Fitbit already offers to help you manage your health and wellness in one place:

  • All Fitbit users can access the Mindfulness tile in the Fitbit app to reduce stress and deepen their Mindfulness practices by setting a weekly Mindfulness goal.
  • Most Fitbit7 devices come with Relax Guided Breathing – custom deep breathing sessions on the wrist to help you find calm throughout the day8.
  • Premium members can choose from over 100 mindfulness practice sessions to help manage stress, practice mindfulness, relax, improve body positivity and rest before bed from popular brands such as Aaptiv, Aura, Breethe and Ten Percent . Happier. Premium members also receive detailed information and recommendations to help them cope with stress, and a deeper analysis of their sleep score to see how factors such as stress affect their sleep quality.
  • Fitbit Sense ™ pioneered the wearable space as the first smartwatch with an electrodermal activity sensor (EDA) on the device to help you monitor and manage your body’s response to stress with a daily stress management score. And access to additional mindfulness content to help calm your mind day or night when combined with Fitbit Premium9.

With this new content, the Mindful method adds even more value to Fitbit Premium. With over half a million members in more than 40 countries around the world, Premium enhances your Fitbit experience when paired with any branded device. Helping you move more, manage stress, sleep better and eat well with guided programs, advanced analytics, personal information and important health stats, hundreds of workouts, motivational games, challenges and more, all in one place to help you. your goals. Deepak Chopra will continue to contribute his expertise to Premium as a consultant for new programs and features that will be added to the service.

Fitbit Premium is available for $ 195 per month or $ 1,549 per year; A 90-day free trial is available for new or returning Premium users.10 Visit the Fitbit app for more information or to sign up for one of the membership services.
