Healthy and healthy diet for weight loss

Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way? So first of all have PATIENCE, because weight loss won’t be overnight: it will be progressive and, best of all, stable and long-lasting. To lose weight, all you need to do is rethink your diet, reduce the presence of saturated fat and avoid sedentary living. Betting on a healthy life is the only secret to losing weight.

In this article, we want to help you achieve your goals and that’s why we’re sharing one with you healthy diet for weight loss that will serve as your guide and inspiration. You can create your own diet with the foods you like best, so that losing weight is a pleasant process and you don’t have to strain. We started!

Foods for weight loss

Before exploring the diet, it is important to know which foods are most recommended for healthy weight loss. Keep in mind that, in the weight loss goal, nutrition is 80% important, while exercise is 20%.

By this we mean that if you do a lot of sports but don’t eat well, you will see little result.

So that you can create your own diet for weight loss in a healthy way, here we share with you the most recommended foods:

Vegetables and greens
s. They are one of the essential foods in your diet. In fact, they should be present at all meals of the day and in a leading fashion. It is recommended that half of the lunch and dinner plate is vegetable.

Light protein
s. Protein is also essential when it comes to weight loss and if you are vegan or vegetarian you should opt for the plant-based ones. In the case of omnivores, make sure that the proteins are light (lean meat and whitefish) and especially that the cooking method is low in fat. No baked goods, sauces or batter.

Complex carbohydrates
s. Hydrates should not be missing from any weight loss diet, although their presence should be reduced to 25 or 30% of your plate. It is recommended to always bet on integral carbohydrates to minimize the consumption of sugars or refined products.

Good fats. They should also be in your diet as they are great allies with your heart health. Extra virgin olive oil, avocado or salmon are very healthy ingredients for your diet.

Fruit. We should also not forget fruits, which are nutrient-packed ingredients with very few calories. Avoid taking them at night and always eat them between meals so that you get more out of their nutritional contribution.

Diet example

Next, we are going to give you one example of a diet for weight loss that, as we said, you can change and design to your liking. It’s a guide that can help you make yours.

Breakfast: 2 slices of wholemeal bread with avocado and tomato + coffee with skimmed milk

Mid-morning: 2 pieces of fruit of the time

Food: Green salad + Portion of brown rice fried with asparagus and mushrooms

Snack: Infusion + Low-Fat Yogurt

price: Vegetable cream + Omelet with 2 eggs + Onion salad

• Lopes, IM, Femenías, GR, Rosado, EL, Bressan, J., & Baladia, E. (2008). Slimming diets. Spanish Journal of Community Nutrition = 14 (3), 163-171.

• Moller, E. (2012). 101 nutrition tips to lose weight quickly. Grijalbo
