Health reports that missed shots at Morovis were from Walgreens

Health Minister Carlos Mellado reported tonight that the box of COVID-19 vaccines found in Morovis were doses supplied to the Walgreens pharmacy under the federal contract for Long-term care centers.

“I ordered an immediate investigation into what happened to assess responsibility and refer to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for the acronym in English), and to the Department of Justice or other agency with jurisdiction, ”Mellado said in written statements.

The secretary gave the Office of Health Research a 24-hour period to examine the 22 doses found in a cardboard box by a citizen and file a report.

“Emergency vaccine management requires all providers to act with the utmost responsibility,” he added.

In the complaint filed with the police, the citizen noted that the box contained a white refrigerator, with syringes and a box of Modern Company vaccines.

Earlier, Mellado said he was “very upset” and “outraged” about the situation.

“We need to investigate and reach the latest consequences because there is an urgent need for the Puerto Rican people to know what happened and that an explanation can be given to Puerto Rico,” he said during the afternoon.

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