Hammer player Alegna Osorio, promise of Cuban athletics, has a serious accident in Camagüey

18/04/2021 – 13:18 pm (GMT-4)

The young girl Cuban athlete Alegna Osorio Mayarí, from hammer throw, is hospitalized and fights for her life after suffering one serious accident

“Coach Emilio González reports that Camagüey hammer player Alegna Osorio Mayarí has ​​been hospitalized after an accident endangering her life,” said journalist Félix Anazco Ramos on his Facebook profile last Sunday.

At this time, no more details have been released regarding the accident or the athlete’s health status.

The reporter added in his publication a message of encouragement highlighting the greatest achievement in Osorio’s short career: “The Camagüey sports press gives a lot of strength to the bronze medalist of the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires and his family. Let’s go champion !!! ”.

In his native Camaguey girl, Osorio was considered a “promise” in this athletic modality and was even compared to his countryman. Yipsi Moreno, multiple world champion and Olympic medalist.

Anazco Ramos herself reported in October 2018: “Alegna Osorio, the only woman from Camagüey in the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games, won the bronze medal in hammer throw (3 kilograms). Will it be the new Yipsi Moreno? ”.

The Camagüey youth, then 16 years old, added 127 yards between her two best implement throws.

The following year, the athlete would harvest two more bronze-colored metals at the National Athletics Championships (67.73 meters) and at the Pan American Athletics Championships in San José, Costa Rica (50.15 m).

After making the news, support messages were circulated on Facebook. “Champion strength, all your people are waiting for you back on track, we hope you recover very soon,” wrote one of the internet users sensitized by the short report on the social network.

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