Google Earth’s 3D timelapse allows you to see the changes on the planet

Illustration for article titled Google Earth's new 3D Time-Lapse feature shows how humans affect the planet

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Google Earth is already a powerful tool for observing our planet, but is getting a major upgrade today with the introduction of one new 3D timeexpired position.

Timelapse in Google Earth, described by Google Earth director Rebecca Moore as Google Earth’s biggest update since 2017, combines more than 24 million satellite images, two petabytes of data and 2 million hours of CPU processing time to run a 4.4-terapixel interactive display showing how the Earth has changed from 1984 to 2020.

While Google Earth had a simplistic time,expired option, the new feature represents a major upgrade with full 3D coverage of the entire world. YOUsers can choose practically any place on earth, change camera angles and select a specific year they want to see.

You can open Timelapse in Google Earth by simply going to or by pressing the Ship’s Wheel icon in Google Earth and selecting Timelapse, with Google also offering more than 200 spotlights and tours for specific locations such as Las Vegas, Kuwait City, and Alaska’s Columbia Glacier. And if that weren’t enough, Google has uploaded more than 800 more timelapse videos intended for public use here, which can also be downloaded for free or viewed on YouTube.

Here’s one gif showing the creation of the World Islands in Dubai.
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Google’s goal is to create a powerful and interactive way to see our world change over time people will have a valve understanding of the type of impact people and natural phenomena on our planet. It ‘It’s one thing to hear about rainforest shrinking or melting glaciers, but it’s very different to see it play out before your eyes.

The photos used in the new era of Google Earth-lapse feature arrives courtesy NASA and the Landsat from USGS program and the Copernicus of the European Union initiative, whose three satellites (Landsat-8, Sentinel 2a and Sentinel 2b) allow Google to get a new updated view of the world every 2.5 days.

Illustration for article titled Google Earth's new 3D Time-Lapse feature shows how humans affect the planet

Photo Sam Rutherford

While the US and EU satellites are some of the most advanced in the world, there are some limitations to Timelapse in Google Earth, especially when it comes to the finer details. Rather than looking like Street View in Google Maps, Timelapse in Google Earth is designed to show landscape-level changes that make it easier to track changes on a larger scale over time rather than more detailed things like the construction of a single new road or home.

T.To create the models and composite images seen in Google Earth, Google teamed up with Carnegie Mellon’s CREATE Lab to develop the algorithms powering his new ageexpired position.

Here’s another clip showing the retreat of Alaska’s Columbia Glacier over the years.
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Going forward, Google says it hopes to update Timelapse once a year (or more if possible) in Google Earth. And if the new age of Google Earth-lapse function cannot convince people that climate change is real and that people have a huge impact on the environment, I’m not sure what it will do.
