Goodbye to an Aristemo? This is why the son of Juan Osorio and Niurka Marcos RETIREES from acting

Emilio Osorio Marcos is part of the cast of “What’s Happening to My Family”, the last project in which we can see him acting. The young actor will take a temporary break from his career as he has decided to focus on his career as a musician. In an interview with Edén Dorantes, producer Juan Osorio explained his son’s new professional goals.

The musician will travel to Los Angeles to take an intensive English course in addition to working on his music. Although the hiatus will last three years, the news moved those who have followed his work and witnessed the talent of the producer’s son and star, Niurka Marcos.

Photo: Instagram @ emilio.marcos

However, his father has stated that it is a stage that Emilio must miss. “We have to let her live,” he declared. In addition, he confirmed that the decision was taken after both discussed it at length.

“He and I have decided, I think it is time to close a cycle properly. It is aged and that is the next step we have agreed.

Osorio took the opportunity to say to the cameras how proud he is of his son for raising an independent person and although he knows he can do things on his own, he will hire someone to support him in his music career. and he will only monitor progress.

As a father you feel satisfied because you leave a person behind who starts to walk alone. The time has come when you have to separate yourself from Daddy’s belly button, ”he assured.

Emilio Osorio Marcos is known for collaborating on projects such as? My husband has a family? in 2017 and ‘Together the heart is never wrong’ in 2019. Currently, besides being part of the new melodrama: “What’s wrong with my family ??? As an actor, he joined Mane de la Parra’s for the song’s launch? It’s crazy ?; one of the main themes of the novel.

Photo: Instagram @ emilio.marcos

