Gignac, Nahuel, Guido and Carioca leave Tigres by not renewing Tuca

Monterrey, NL /

Tigers does not intend to renew Ricardo Ferretti, it revealed Willie González in multimedia; a source told him no matter what happens in it Classic Region and even qualify and become a champion, Tuca it will.

The reason wouldn’t be for football reasons, but the real reason wasn’t revealed, although on Monday Mauricio Doehner, director of Cemex, would have launched a hint with the discontinuation of Jose Mourinho, notice that “pride is paid for with humiliation.”

Willie assured that too Would be Tuca’s deputy Miguel Herrera, as has been noted as the lead candidate in recent days.

The negative point for the Tigres fans is that when Ferretti leaves, there are players who would leave the team out of loyalty to the Bigotón.

“Nahuel, Gignac, Carioca and Guido go to Tigres if they don’t renew Tuca, out of loyalty, ”González said in his commentary on the day in Telediario.
