Galilea Montijo criticizes Paty Navidad; Arath is defending her today

Paty Christmas at the beginning of the year -2021- gave a lot to discuss, because next to endorse your support for Donald Trump, his position on Covid-19 continued to spread, which is plagued by conspiracy theories. Against this backdrop, Twitter has closed its account twice. For this reason, some artists have positioned themselves on the subject, as is the case Galilee Montijo, conductor of Today program, who criticized her. We tell you what the tapatia expressed and how Arath de la Torre tried to defend her.

During the broadcast of the Today program, the hosts spoke about Twitter’s recent decision to shut down Paty Navidad’s accounts afterward spreading false information about the Covid-19 pandemic.


Although opinions were divided among the drivers, Galilea Montijo stated that Twitter is trying to ensure that information about the corona virus is released true. He shared that from his point of view you cannot misinforming society.

“Twitter is trying to provide the information … one is what you believe and the other is misinformation”, the host said during the broadcast.


About, Andrea Legarreta assured that it is a delicate topic. He said everyone is free to think what they want.

“It’s a delicate topic, everyone is free to think what they want”, Andrea Legarreta responded.


However, the driver does that Positioned a little more on the Paty Navidad side was Arath de la Torre, Hoy’s new driver, who interrogated Yes, Twitter also “censors” those who talk about suicides and murders.

“It seems very drastic to me. It’s not that serious either. Are those who express their views on other issues, such as suicide and murders, also a little bit censored? ” asked Arath de la Torre.

Paty Navidad and the controversial “censorship” of Twitter

And it is that after Paty Navidad justified the violent protests that took place in the United States Capitol, by showing support for Donald Trump and reiterating his conspiracy theory On covid-19, on January 8, Twitter decided to suspend its account. Tea

Despite the fact that Paty Navidad had assured in an interview with various media that she didn’t mind running out of social networks, she apparently did care in the end, since she opened a new Twitter account.

What do you think? I already have a new Twitter account which is so missing me @patynavidadnew. Never give up and never fear the freedom to start over with more vigor, every day of life is a great opportunity to evolve, build and create something better for ourselves, ” the actress wrote.

However, the fun didn’t last as Twitter “ cached ” her and they closed this account as well. In this regard, the Televisa actress took to Instagram to cross this out as ‘censorship’:

“UPS! MY TWITER ACCOUNT HAS BEEN SUSPENDED WITH THE ACCOUNT I JUST USED TODAY. @Patynavidadnew AND THE WORST IS THAT THEY OPEN MUCH MORE WITH MY NAME, THEY ARE IMMEDIATELY MY IDENTITY, ESPECIALLY WITH THE ACCOUNTnwidad) (” ACCOUNTnwidad) EYE “I inform my followers that I do not have any Twitter account at the moment, that no one is cheating on them. ONE OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES. AMEN! … AND AMEN with no accent mark,” the famous wrote on Instagram.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.
