Frida’s stepmother confirms that she cried as a child when she talked about Enrique Guzmán

“We, as adults, should have protected you from predators. Unfortunately, as we now know this to be the reality, the most representative percentages of predators are the people closest and the ones we trust most: grandparents, uncles or best friends ”.

The last paragraphs are heartbreaking, but powerful and once again reinforce his total confidence in the words of Frida Sofía.

“The one who assaulted was your grandfather. Who is wrong is society. And the one who continues to abuse and perpetuate abuse, a poisonous machismo, is the same society.

I want you to know that I believe you. I am with you to support you in whatever you need. Just like your father and your brothers. The fault is not yours. He is the abuser ”.
