Former Cruz Azul: Carlos Hermosillo accuses him of being used by the new directive

Carlos Hermosillo was about to take over from Cruz Azul as president. His connection with the new board made him the ideal candidate, but in the end they chose Álvaro Dávila. The Great Man of Cerro Azul said on several occasions that he could take office, that he had talks with José Antonio Marín and Víctor Manuel Velázquez … but it didn’t.

And today, in conversation with El Universal, he assured that he felt used by the new heavenly directive. “I’ve been through it many times with Cruz Azul, which I dream about, and this time I saw it closer. When you sit down with people and they give you their word, they let you go to Mexico, you talk to them, and suddenly they stop talking to you. I understand how the strings move in our country, but now it turns out that someone who has nothing to do with football gets in and decides who goesbecause it suits them to certain types of people ‘disclosed.

“The sadness that gives me is that the word is worth more than a signature. That they didn’t pick up the phone to say, “My mom always didn’t say,” it seems lowThe door is closed to Cruz Azul, never will, but to these two men. I’ll never have a deal with them “Hermosillo added.

According to him, they use people. I fell because they reminded me of when I was in politics. I understand, and I wish you the bestBut they came the first time in October, November, very humbly and said, “Record a video for us, that you and I are one.” They force me to go to Mexico and tell me ‘don’t pay attention, everything is the same’. I saw this coming

However, it’s the same Cruz Azul idol who has assured that he won’t accept doing it twice. It is so easy to approach the person and say no longer to be decent people, for whatever reason. It’s not by force. The ugly is what you look like. These days they can say that because of my time at Conade, but first they show me, and two, why are you going and looking for me? Anyway I’ve been excited many times and the same thing always happens to me “, he condemned.

Good: the establishment was strengthened

Bad: There were no real signings
