Yizeth Arellano
Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina and Salud Pública
Entrevista a Medicina and Salud Pública el Dr. Ángel Rivera, director of program de vacunación del Departamento de Salud, indicó que vacunarse contra de influenza minimiza los riesgos de desarrollar una coinfección en caso de padecer covid-19, ya que ambas enfermedades son contagiosas en están activas al mismo tiempo.
And a snapshot of the pandemic is important and important to your character and not a job opening for the flu or hagan. All you need to do is one of the most important things you can see if you see that there is a star and that there is a person scattered about a person infected with a person or a person or a person has been added to the information of Dr. Rivera.
Al igual que el Covid-19 the influenza and años anteriores has been motivo of noticias, and preocupación por parte de los organos de salud and el país. It’s an experience that you can use to make an excellent choice for a limited number of floors and a higher level of business.
“Hace 10 años tuvimos the pandemia de H1N1 así que mire lo que estamos ahora en el 2020 and la pandemia del covid-19. There is an important question, not a single vacancy against the flu, but a person who is a person, a person who has a flu, a person who is a person with the flu is adhesión covid-19 ”explicit from Dr. Rivera.
The doctor is explicitly for a vacancy for 6 months a day, with no demand for a different price, for a house in the United States especially in the Maratón Flu. This is a member of the Coalición de Vacunación and the Promoción de la Salud Voces, the Department of Salud de Puerto Rico and the queue with the asistencia de la Guardia Nacional, with a long waiting time and an event with a different sea and a character from the United States. su núcleo known.
“Básicamente de personas que están sanos deben vacunarse, pero lo más vulnerable and que se pueden complicar and caso of no hacerlo son los niños menores of 7 años o menos. The comunidad pediátrica and the los menores of life and the llamado porque aquí 52% of the casos positivos a influenza son menores de 19 años porque tradicionalmente eran los que tenían more contact with en los centros educativos ”explicit by Dr. Rivera.
The professional of the salud también is a llamado and an embarazadas and the indicative value of the vacunación against influenza and the periodo de gestación. “A current moment of the embarazo, the embarazada is a vacancy or a vacancy that is not available for a vacancy that appeared 6 months ago. This is a known and a familiar environment, the environment is known, the mother, the father and the other person a person who proposes a vacancy and another opportunity. “conclusion by Dr. Rivera.