Fincimex confirms a problem and an environment of an alternative to Cuba and sugar

Continúa el dilema del envío de remesas a Cuba. All you need to do is submit a specific time or a specific time or a specific time of the European Union with a contractual agreement with a Cuban funding application.

Recientemente, sumamos a la lista de VaCuba (Remesas desde Estados Unidos) y Sendvalu (todo el mundo except Russia and Estados Unidos), one Fonmoney (Europe y Canada) y More money transfers (Sudamérica) como plataformas que no pueden procesar remesas hacia Cuba.

Possible options viable, subdivided into research on the pasado 9 de diciembre, dábamos a Small world (Europe, Brazil, Canada and Chile). No obstacle, hay usuarios que afirman que tampoco desde esta plataforma es posible.

All respect, a new contact person and no answer to the question “and a moment when you experiment with alguna’s demoras in the Cuban area”.

Read more and read no commercials, no social and social affairs and a clear explanation from algunos customers, read more and a continuity:

There are 15 days in Spanish and cancellation of operations in Cuba, by a carrier in a group. Al no poder acreditarse fondos en las cuentas de Fincimex, un grupo importante de operaciones han quedado inconclusas.Se buscan options, su remitente puede reclamar a la entidad utilizada “.

Sin and more details and an explicit explanation, the financing limit and the validity period of the client in Spanish in Spanish with the available data,, y

No obstacles, the beneficiary and Cuba contest: a Fincimex queue familiares en España le decían que no funcionaba ninguna de las alternativas europeas.

Do you have an answer to the question whether you have an account with the Redacción of Directorio Cubano?

AIS Remesas Cuba: nuestra web se mantine assets. The time and environment depend on the purpose of the beneficiary. You will see an AIS data and a data set. This is one of the main cities of the country and the popular of Ahorro, from 3 to 5 days, from 3 to 5 days, from a bank to a bank granting a transfer of money to one of the beneficiaries. (desde Canadá y la Unión Europea) : El servicio está available. The costs for transacción are EUR 30.00. Las opciones actuales que tenemos disponibles son las siguientes:

  • Depósito Bancario: This is a direct provider of a bank in Cuba. The CUP and MLC are available for the CUC / CUP or CUC / MLC. There is a solo available which is available for cuentas at the Banco Metropolitano de La Habana.
  • Effective assessment: The beneficiary cannot access the AIS list with direct access to the bank and another bank. The name of the beneficiary’s identity for a particular form of entry. There are a number of solo items available and a follow-up sale of the Banco Metropolitano de La Habana.

This is one of the most popular modes of travel in the natural environment in Cuba. Si quieren compartirnos sus experience with algunas de estas plataformas, pueden hacerlo.
