Fernando Villalona has had an advanced age group

This is a supercar with a medical training and a number of pasados, Fernando Villalona has a higher age, multiple informative data about the medical patient and the cardiovascular doctor.

Villalona, ​​think of a cinema or performer with a querido in the Dominican Republic, is an indoor and outdoor plantation in control of the school and guide at salud.

Watch the artist for the pasado lunes in the Centro de Diagnóstico Medina Avanzada and Telemedicina -Cedimat- in the Plaza de Salud de Santo Domingo, which is the practice of the operación.

Antes and the duration of the cirugia, the only time that has lasted an hour and 30 minutes of the time of the “Dominican soy” or the “Dominican soy” is considered an oración for the saludy or the saliera bien en medio del processo .

Fatima Villalona, ​​an average age town with a communication to a person with a union and an oración for the salud of the cantante in Loma de Cabrera.
