Fernanda Castillo reappears after being hospitalized with a great message

Immediately his friends and followers indicated “I like” on the photo which already has almost 240 thousand likes and hundreds of comments in which they fulfill Castillo with good wishes.

Several celebrities joined this string of positive comments for the actress, including Mauricio Ochmann, who wrote, “Come on, Fer”; other celebrities present in the publication were Ximena Herrera, who wrote “That beauty, I admire you so much”, and Maite Perroni who left an “Esoo” in that post.

Fernanda Castillo.
Fernanda Castillo.

Fernanda Castillo had postpartum complications that required her to be hospitalized in an emergency a few days after giving birth.

Fernada Castillo and Liam.
Fernada Castillo and Liam.

It is known that during his stay in hospital his partner and the father of his son, the actor Érik Hayser, constantly monitored his evolution.
