Family warns others against short visits after the loss of mom, dad to COVID-19 days before Christmas

CHICAGO – What was supposed to be a simple haircut took her life a few days before Christmas. Now their son is hoping their story will serve as a cautionary tale for those who want to spend the holiday with their loved ones.

The Chicago family has been left heartbroken after several family members were infected with the COVID-19 in just one short visit.

The family hopes their tragic tale of caution serves as a warning to others.

After 59 years of marriage, Mike and Carol Bruno died 10 days apart after the battle against the corona virus. Mike passed away on Wednesday evening.

“We never thought this would happen to our family, and it did, and this virus is really brutal and just attacks in very nasty ways,” said Joe, Mike and Carol’s son.

Joe said he, along with his brother, sister, and husband, had also contracted the virus.

The family tragedy started on November 20 with a haircut.

“My sister works in a salon and so my sister got a COVID test just before Thanksgiving and was negative, and she went into quarantine for three or four days after she got the negative test. I needed a haircut and she said,” Well why don’t I just come over and cut your hair so you don’t have to come to the salon, ” Joe recalled.
Joe’s sister brought their mother to his apartment.

“I didn’t hug my mom; I didn’t hug my sister. My sister cut my hair, she was masked and all the windows were open,” said Joe. “We sat remotely in my apartment and then they left. They were maybe 40-45 minutes over. Later that night my sister started to feel symptoms and about three days later I started to feel symptoms,” Joe said.

Couple who have been married for more than 47 years, die moments apart from COVID-19

“If I had made that sacrifice and, you know, not spent 30-40 minutes with my mom, they would still be there,” he said.
“We need to double the public health measures we know to work,” said Dr. Jay Bhatt of Medical Home Network. “So I would just think about the risk you run to yourself and others if you leave your home to go to a family gathering.”

The family story is a reminder of the tragedy that COVID-19 can bring and that caused many families in 2020.

“I think the thing that gives us peace of mind is knowing that my dad didn’t know my mom died,” said Joe. ‘Knowing that they left within ten days of each other is such a wonderful thing. And you know, I’d give anything to bring them back, but I’m so glad they are together again. ‘

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