Experts warn of dangers when new, contagious species of COVID-19 arrive in South Florida

MIAMI – Almost a year after the coronavirus pandemic and the virus is mutating into several additional contagious strains.

A team of researchers is now focusing on those new variants to slow the spread in South Florida.

There are 19 counties in Florida that have positive cases of the more contagious British strain of COVID-19, the highest concentration of which is found in Miami-Dade and Broward.

Researchers are working to detect the variants and find out if the vaccine protects you against them.

RELATED: Florida Launches New COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Website

Dr. Aileen Marty, FIU infectious disease expert, said the more contagious British strain is potentially more dangerous.

“Each variant has its own quirks and problems,” said Dr. Marty. “Hard scientific data, as well as epidemiological data, suggest that the British variety is not only more contagious, but perhaps more serious.”


Researchers at the University of Miami find which mutated versions of COVID-19 are in South Florida by looking at the virus from patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

How well vaccines ultimately protect against the British strain and other mutations is also part of the research at UM.

Dr. Marty explained that tests show that current vaccines work against the UK variant, but there is new concern about other mutations already occurring in the United States that could infect people who have had COVID-19 in the past.

“The South African variant and the Brazilian variant already present real problems for people who already had Covid,” said Dr. Marty. “Nine times out of ten, those people are not protected at all against the South African variant.”

Experts recommend that everyone continue to take precautions and get vaccinated when available and possible.

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