Experts warn not to take a pain reliever before getting the COVID-19 vaccine

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) – We know some people like to take an over-the-counter pain reliever before getting a vaccine, but experts don’t recommend it.

It used to be a common practice for parents taking their children for vaccinations – they gave their children Tylenol or Ibuprofen before vaccinations with the belief that it would prevent side effects such as a mild fever, fatigue, or arm pain.

But while the medication can reduce side effects, it can also weaken your body’s immune response.

Experts suggest that if you’re getting the COVID-19 vaccine, don’t take a pain reliever unless it’s something you take on a daily basis.

If you’ve had significant side effects from the first dose, talk to your doctor about taking anything after you get the second dose.

Researchers aren’t entirely sure that this decreases the vaccine’s effectiveness, but they think it does.

There are also other things you can do after you get an injection that can help with side effects, such as applying a cold compress to your arm, getting your arm moving, drinking lots of fluid, and getting extra rest.

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