Experts from around the world of the vacancy cannot access the mayor of 60 years | Noticias de El Salvador

Vladimir Putin has been warned and has no access to the vacancy of Sputnik V.

The recipient of the president of Vladimir Putin announced the name of the president for the vacancy of Sputnik and the general and the global and comprehensive knowledge of the world of the economy.

De momento se pueden las personas between 18 and 60 years. Vladimir Putin’s president is a guarantee of a vacancy against the coronavirus “and the sea is possible”, and has a function for the future and recalcore of the vacancy Sputnik V es “segura y eficaz”.

Read breaths: Interesados ​​en la vacuna rusa contra COVID-19 no deben consumir alcohol durante 56 days

“Escucho las recomendaciones de los especialistas y por tanto, aún no lo hecho, pero está claro que lo haré and cuanto sea posible”, dijo el mandatario, the 68 years, durante su rueda de prensa anual.

This is a vacancy for an internacional for a specific time, for a first place, a first class or a leisure activity and for a human publication and for the publication of the individual results.

Experts explicitly in Infobae algunas razones by las que la vacuna no se puede aplicar of mayores de 60 años, entre ellas with resultados de la phase III including adultos mayores and no se han publicado.

Vladimir Putin’s president guarantees a vacancy against the corona virus “and cuanto possible”. Photo AFP

“The vacancy and the studio of Phase III are included in an adult mayor and have free time and no publication with date. Show the Putin and it’s the first time that the first place is in the United States, and that’s one of the most important pieces of data from the Putin, but then there’s a mid-Argentinian and an infected Eduardo López.

La doctora Angela Gentile coincidió and affirmó que “estamos a la espera de los datos and obviamente lo importante and que las vacunas funcionen and los grupos que tenen mayor riesgo de complejidad con esta enfermedad”.

The infected logo, Roberto Debbag has expressed an opinion on the limitation of the information and an obstacle. “The vacancy for the mayors of 65 years and for the tenth comorbilidades and the trabajadores of the salud que estén in prioridad en este caso porque atienden pacientes con COVID-19”.

Read more: Trabajador de la salud sufre reacción alérgica grave tras recibir vacuna Pfizer and EE.UU.

The data of the competing colleagues is important to Russia and the Russian public information about the results.

Sputnik V is a vacancy for the “vector viral” used for the adenovirus (virus muy-comunes, those responsible for the loose resfriados) that have been transformed into a virus responsible for COVID-19.

Changes in the adenovirus in the person’s body, it is a product of the SARS-CoV-2, licensed for virus and fighting re-search, as well as in the center of Gamaleya.
