Everything We Know About Phase 1C COVID Vaccines in Chicago – NBC Chicago

Chicago will enter Phase 1C of COVID vaccinations in late March, extending eligibility to key workers such as servers, bartenders, hair stylists and more, along with residents with underlying health issues.

But who exactly is eligible and how can you apply?

Here’s everything we know so far.

When does phase 1C start?

Phase 1C, scheduled to begin March 29, officials announced Wednesday.

Who is eligible?

Here’s a rundown of who is and isn’t eligible for Stage 1C in Chicago:

Underlying medical conditions

Cancer (current diagnosis), heart, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular disease (including heart disease, coronary artery disease, and hypertension or high blood pressure), chronic kidney disease, chronic respiratory disease (including cystic fibrosis, moderate to severe asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / emphysema [COPD]), Diabetes (type 1 and type 2), disability: physical, developmental, visual, hearing or mental, neurological disorders (including dementia), Down syndrome, immune compromised state (weakened immune system) including by blood or bone marrow transplant, immune system deficiencies, HIV , use of corticosteroids or use of other immune-weakening drugs, liver disease (including hepatitis), pregnancy, obesity: BMI ≥30 kg / m2, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, persons with disabilities

Clergy and religious organizations

People aged 65 and over; Whenever possible, prioritize Chicagoans 75 and older and Chicagoans 65-74 years with underlying medical conditions


Employees who support the energy industry, including those involved in the production, distribution and repair of energy


Banks; exchange currency; consumer loans; credit unions; appraisers; title companies; financial markets; Financial Institutions; institutions that sell financial services; accounting services and insurance

Food and drink

Restaurant and other facilities that prepare and serve food (including bars); entities providing food services

Higher education

Employees in educational institutions – including junior colleges, four-year colleges and universities, technical schools, trade schools, educational support services and curriculum management

Information technology and communication

Internet, video and telecommunication systems, repair of consumer electronics, repair of computers and office machines


Employees who provide legal services or support the operations of the judicial system, including judges, attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, process servers, couriers, surety officers, probation officers, probation offices, judicial personnel and others who provide legal assistance or perform legal functions


Newspapers, magazines, television, radio and other media services, news dealers and kiosks, broadcasts, news syndicates, printers and book publishers
Other community or government based operations and essential functions
Other government employees; community-based essential functions (e.g. urban planning, offices providing for basic needs such as food, childcare, shelter and social services); employees in libraries

Personal care and hygiene

Companies that provide personal care such as hair, nails and non-medical massage.

Laundromats, dry cleaners, industrial laundry services and laundry service providers

Public health

Public health entities; pharmaceutical companies, medical devices and equipment and biotechnology companies

Public safety

Employees who ensure that public safety systems function properly, including building inspectors, civil engineers, chemical engineers, aerospace engineers, and hazardous materials rescuers. Employees who build and maintain roads, highways, railways and ports. Cyber ​​security workers


Store employees, including but not limited to stores selling alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, medicines that do not require a medical prescription, other non-grocery items (e.g., electronics, optical goods, books, etc.), other consumer household products, wholesalers , licensed cannabis pharmacies and breeding centers

Shelter and housing

DIY stores and companies; construction and maintenance of buildings, real estate; hotel and motel employees

Transport and logistics

Employees at gas stations; supply and repair of cars and bicycles; companies that provide shipping and delivery services; couriers; warehouses; private mail; Aviation personnel not covered by 1b; workers in rail, water, truck, charter bus transportation or transportation rental

Water and wastewater

Employees involved in wastewater treatment and operations; sanitation and storm maintenance crews who perform emergency and essential maintenance of systems

Those already eligible for Phase 1A and 1B will also remain eligible for 1C.

Dr. Allison Arwady, commissioner of the Chicago Department of Health, noted that only Chicago residents are eligible for city-run vaccination sites.

How can you make an appointment?

Officials offer vaccines through Zocdoc. Residents can check zocdoc.com/vaccine for eligibility, see nearby vaccination locations, view their real-time appointment availability, and receive notifications when new appointments are available.

The city also says arrangements can be made through certain employers, local health care providers and nearby pharmacies.

For a full list of ways to book an appointment in Chicago, click here.

Still, officials warned that not everyone who qualifies will be able to make an appointment right away.

“My concern, you know, when we open, is that immediately people will magically think there is a huge supply starting on March 29th – and there isn’t one,” Arwady said. But we’ll have gotten enough vaccine by then to get through, you know, the vast majority – about three-quarters of the people who would qualify for 1B. We know we’ve vaccinated non-Chicago residents well, and both sides look good in terms of the ability to really step up. So I know a lot of people would like to get vaccinated and I also know that April is probably going to be frustrating for some of them, especially early April, but by the end of April, you know, and into May I think we’ll be at a point that we will start to feel more like a typical flu vaccine. ‘

For a complete list of where and how to book an appointment in Illinois or where to get vaccine information for your area, click here.
