EU. ‘El Chapo’ denounces “inhumane conditions” in prison: lawyers

New York

Joaquin’s Defense, El Chapo, Guzmán, denounced the conditions of the capo’s imprisonment in the maximum-security prison of Florence, Colorado, where he is serving a life sentence for drug trafficking, conditions his lawyers describe as “cruel” and “inhumane.”

Since his arrival in the United States, Mr. Guzmán has been detained under cruel and inhumane conditions, equivalent to physical and mental torture“assured the lawyers El Chapo to the judicial authorities in a document collected by various local media.

The man who led the dreaded Sinaloa Cartel spends most of his time in a cell six feet wide and six feet long, except for two hours a week, in which is transferred by prison guards to a nine square meter courtyard

Among other complaints, the lawyers are for El Chapo They ensure that their client speaks only Spanish and that the officials only address him in English and they maintain that have refused access to Spanish-language channels and educational programs

The quality and quantity of food and the cleanliness of your cell are other complaints from the drug trafficker who previously disgusted the circumstances of his incarceration.

“He has complained about the quantity and quality of the meals as well He explained that the portions are minimal and that he is hungry‘wrote the lawyers.

As early as February 2019, when his trial was underway in a federal court in New York his defense team described the terms of his incarceration as “extremely restrictive” when he was at the New York Metropolitan Correctional Facility.

Faced with repeated complaints from his attorneys, who in June 2019 asked that their client be allowed to spend two hours in the courtyard of said prison, Judge Brian Cogan dismissed the claim, assuring that his incarceration had “the legitimate purpose of preventing his escape from prison or order an attack on persons who have cooperated with the government. “

The recent letter from Joaquín Guzmán did not improve his circumstances, almost two years later, in the so-called “Alcatraz de las Rocosas”.

