EU. 100-year-old woman works in a restaurant and does not want to retire

Since I was 50 years old Ruthie Shuster has worked at a McDonald’s franchise restaurant located in Irvine, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, United States

The woman finds a space in her work to distract herself and to spend her time.

According to the medium Action news from Pittsburgh 4Shuster cleans tables three days a week. Also take the opportunity to greet and chat with customers.

In an interview the woman gave to the media, she assured that reaching the unusual age of 100 on March 3 is not a big deal. “It’s just a number to me.”

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She added that she feels “great” and is not including retirement in her next plans.

Mind you, the restaurant chain celebrated Ruthie’s centennial in a meaningful way.

A letterbox was installed with Shuster’s name engraved on a plaque so anyone who wanted to could leave him a letter of congratulation.

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The woman told the same media that she likes to be around people. He also indicated that he had received many letters. The memorial mailbox was almost full.

According to the local media Patch, that McDonald’s headquarters celebrates a new birthday for the oldest of its employees every March 3.

Ruthie became a “celebrity” over time. According to the aforementioned medium, there are people who go to the place only to get to know it.

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The pandemic prevented Shuster from celebrating a normal birthday surrounded by family, friends and her loyal customers.

She assured Action news from Pittsburgh 4 He misses the masses of customers and their after-work activities.

Despite the setbacks, the woman received love from those who know her and assures that she is not only an employee, but has also been characterized by a ‘serving smile’ over the years.

jabf / lsm
