Estados Unidos hulled once more than one register de muertes by COVID-19

Washington – Estados Unidos volvió a romper este miércoles with 3,784 su récord diario de fallecidos por COVID-19, independent data from the University of Johns Hopkins.

The best part is there are a few minutes and some new cases with 250,458 information.

El balance sheet total es de 16,931,636 casos y 307,076 muertos.

The land of Nueva York is one of the most popular buildings of a pandemic with 35,927 people, separated by Texas (24,896), California (21,654), Florida (20,204) and Nueva Jersey (18,003).

Otros estados con un gran número de muertos son Illinois (15,777), Pensilvania (13,109), Michigan (11,588), Massachusetts (11,513) and Georgia (10,228).

En cuanto a contagios, California suma 1,683,606, le sigue Texas con 1,531,067, tercero es Florida con 1,155,335, Illinois en cuarto with 870,600 y Nueva York quinto con 804,555.

The preliminary balance -307,076- supera con creces de cota and the casa Blanca estimates, with an intervention of 100,000 and 240,000 meters to the pandemic.

El presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, an estimated value and a maximum configuration in the final of the last prize of 50,000 and 60,000 valleys, a pair of Auguros has 110,000 meters, some of the best prizes.

In part, the Instituto de Métricas and the Evaluaciones de Salud (IHME) of the Universidad de Washington, and the pandemic prediction models with a menu to the Casa Blanca, the Trump calculation left the value of the Trump 20 de enero habrán muerto 380,000 personas y para el 1 de abril 500,000.
