Eréndira Ibarra confesses that she was raped by an actor

Eréndira Ibarra, actress of the series “Sense 8” and “Las Aparicio” broke the silence and used his social networks to reveal that he was being abused and raped by an actor and then one of the productions she took part in forced her to team up with her attacker.

After Nath Campos uploads a video On her YouTube channel pointing out that youtuber Rix also sexually abused her, the actress was inspired by the young woman’s courage, scraped herself and used her Instagram account to confess that she had also suffered sexual assault.

Ibarra explained in a letter that it was accompanied by images on which you can read texts in support of women who have been violated by a man, and revealed how she lived on set when she faced her rapist and that the production team, directing, and even her acting agency did nothing to help her.

At first, the actress was powerful when she wrote that rapists do not overlap in her social network, regardless of whether they are family, friends or parents, then she made the most painful confession:

“I have been abused, I have seen abuse happening before my very eyes and ENOUGH. Never again will an abuser take advantage of my silence,” he said.

After this, Ibarra broke down what he had to endure while working alongside the actor, who he referred to as being known in the middle and “ cynically ” walking ahead of her as if nothing had happened.

The actress assured that he was helping the production with a small role and so two weeks before they started something that happened long ago they did not go looking for another actress and therefore it was his job and his silence or left with nothing.

Considering the response from the production, it was the women on set who supported and protected her during the anxiety attacks they gave him in the campers.

“They hugged me for the indifference of the production and all the people around it, knowing it had affected me (and certainly many others). My lawyer and sister were the only ones paying attention to me, but everyone’s reaction paralyzed the people .

“Having to tell my parents was the most bastard. We drafted a letter so he wouldn’t approach me, he responded with a confidentiality clause (and if you’re reading this I want you to know he never signs it) the letter was left on a desk and he paced the set calmly as if nothing had happened, ‘he wrote.

After continuing her description of what she experienced at those moments, Ibarra assured that after completing the project the taste that was left was satisfying because of the work she did, but pointed out that for her the producer and everyone involved had a giant arrow in his head because they didn’t care about his situation and that’s why he will never forget.

“I share this story because what women and various people experience through sexist violence in this country is untenable. Now I let EVERYONE know: if your aggressor is my” friend “in networks, let me know, I BELIEVE YOU. And I will. Don’t turn your back on you or overlap your attacker. WE’RE GOING TO THROW IT. That’s a fact. #NuncaMasSolas, “he concluded.

