Enrique de Sussex and his new job: the reasons why he agreed to join a technology company | Prince Harry | BetterUp | nnda nnni | PEOPLE

The Duke Henry of Sussex has a new job and it’s not within royalty: but as impact director at BetterUp, a to start specialized in coaching and mental health based in Silicon Valley. Prince Harry has explained the reasons that led him to accept the position now: “Something I’ve learned is turning pain into goals”

MORE INFORMATION: Sussex-based Enrique gets a job at a Silicon Valley startup

Enrique de Sussex’s role in his new job will be diverse: a resumption of that mission imposed as royalty to raise awareness about mental health; contribute to “The Social Mission” of the company and its impact on a global level; and expand the business community.

Prince Harry has made reference to his past as a soldier in the British Army, and the mental attitude of the Royal Marine commandos of which he was captain until he ceased to be an active member of the British Royal Family.

“During my decade in the military, I learned that not only is it necessary to acquire physical stamina, but also mental resilienceAnd in the years since then, my views on resilience have been shaped by experts and people I’ve been lucky enough to learn “, wrote.

The Duke Henry of Sussex has also said that both he and the team at Archewell, his foundation, had previously resorted to the coaches BetterUp, and what its harmony with the founder and director Alexi Robichaux were two of the reasons that prompted him to join the team.
