Enable ‘Hey Spotify’ voice control

Illustration to the article entitled 'Hey Spotify' Enable Voice Control

Photo Chubo Shutterstock

Spotify has a brand new voice assistant in its Android and iOS apps. Shout “Hey Spotify” on your device and you can control every aspect of the Spotify app hands-free – convenient for driving or cleaning the house. The first group of users in the US should now be able to access the feature, and the company says it will roll out to more devices in the coming weeks.

While you can control Spotify with your voice via Android Audio and Google Assistant on Android, and to a limited extent via Siri and CarPlay on Apple devices, “Hey Spotify” works directly with the Spotify app. That means that you can use the voice control without it train your device’s digital assistant to recognize Spotify-specific commands.

Once ‘Hey Spotify’ is available on your device, you will need to enable voice control in the app to use them:

Enable “Hey Spotify” voice control

Illustration for the article entitled 'Hey Spotify' Enable Voice Control

Screenshot Brendan Hesse

  1. Open the Spotify app.
  1. Go to it “Search” tab.
  2. Tap the microphone icon next to the search bar.
  3. Select “Turn on ‘Hey Spotify’.”
  4. Allow Spotify to record audio.

You can now use Spotify’s built-in voice controlJust say ‘Hey Spotify’ followed by a command. Ask him to play a specific artist or playlist you’ve created, pause or skip tracks, or load the latest episode of a podcast. You can also perform voice search without having to enable a special speech mode first.

To turn the feature off, go to Go to Settings> Voice interactions on and off “Hey Spotify.” That prevents accidental activations and is smart for personal privacy if you find yourself never using the feature after enabling it.

Like other voice-activated apps, Spotify listens to you in the background to say ‘Hey Spotify’. Spotify says the app only listens in short bursts that are immediately removed. When it recognizes a command, it plays in-app notifications and audio tones to let you know that the app is recording you at the time. The recording is necessary for the app to process your commands, but you can read Spotify’s Voice Data Privacy Policy if you want to learn more about how your speech audio is processed.
