Eleazar Gómez is on probation

Mexico City

The actor Eleazar Gomez has his libconditional securityafter you accepted that he beat his then partner Tefi ValenzuelaEverything happened after this Thursday the model went to court when she was subpoenaed by the inmate’s defense after requesting a “Shortened procedure”, Where after all accepted his guilt to get a shorter sentence.

It was her own Tefi Valenzuela whoever was in charge of revealing that Eleazar Gomez however, was given a three-year probationary period must still meet certain conditions imposed by the judges; Likewise, the model emphasized that everything happened because the actor accepted his responsibility.

“Today I think it is an important day because in honor of the truth, Eleazar has finally admitted his guilt in front of me and the judge, and as a result he has obtained his parole for three years, ‘he said out of court for the’ Venga la Alegría ‘program.

“To you must undergo psychological treatment for three years and meet all the conditions imposed by the judge, “the victim added.

Leave everything in the hands of the judges

Tefi Valenzuela She explained that from now on everything is in the hands of the judges and that she will adhere to whatever they indicate, because her goal was ultimately fulfilled, which is to show that she was not lying and was attacked by Eleazar

“The judge has decided and I have to stick to it, but if it seems important to me, because from today on, no one will question what I have sentenced, because He accepted it and the judge accepted it and I believe I can end my quiet life with this and continue”He concluded.
