Eiza González bursts into tears when criticized

Eiza Gonzalez shared a special moment with his fans Instagram, where he recognized the difficult emotional moments he experienced as a result of the criticism, not only of his work, but also because of his physical appearance and the way he is perceived from show business.

We are not show business, we are human and we have trauma

In the video, Eiza, with a shocked face, sometimes a broken voice and watery eyes, highlighted the personal dilemmas she has faced under pressure from not being “chingona” enough how they set the parameters and how, in the same way, when it is influenced by criticism, it creates more pressure.

“If you fall for criticism, what a bastard,” said Eiza when he began to talk about how these processes lead us to believe that there will never be enough to please others and in particular he pointed to the most specialized media in entertainment.

“I watched a lot of videos of girls talking about their trauma, the comparisons and it made me very sad. There’s something I’ve thought all my life that I don’t need to talk about topics like this because being vulnerable makes you not good enough or that I have to be a public figure who has everything under control, and the reality is that it is not true, we all have our trauma ”.

González, who has joined the list of Mexicans and Latinos who are active in outstanding projects in Hollywood In recent years, he stressed the importance of bringing up issues related to emotions and how the words of others have a negative impact.

“We are not show business, we are human and we have trauma. There is a very negative mindset in being vulnerable, I always got the feeling that I should be ashamed of my mistakes and that’s not true. Even when I am successful or at work, I have serious problems with my self-esteem, with my safety as a person ”.

Eiza debuted on television at the age of 15 via the Mexican version “Lola … once upon a time”, inspired by the previous hit “Floricienta”, a moment to which she attributes that although she managed to take her first professional steps, She also prompted each of his decisions, relationships, and physical and emotional changes to be subjected to strict public scrutiny.

“All my life I have felt what TVNotas magazine or Ventaneando’s said and I felt I should be quiet and so it gave the perception of someone who wasn’t. When I talked about my emotions, it wasn’t good enough. We are not show business, we are human and we have trauma. There is a very negative mindset in being vulnerable, I always got the feeling that I should be ashamed of my mistakes and that’s not true. Even when I am successful or at work, I have serious problems with my self-esteem, with my safety as a person ”.

