Dolly Parton on the Commercial Super Bowl Vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine

NEW YORK (AP) – Dolly Parton sings about everyday office workers working ‘9 to 5’ for over 40 years, but now the country icon sings about entrepreneurs working ‘5 to 9’ to pursue their after hours dreams.

The hit of the Grammy-winning ’80s legend has been flipped by Squarespace – a company that helps users build and host their own websites – for a Super Bowl commercial debuting Tuesday. Oscar winner Damien Chazelle of “La La Land” fame directed the spot.

“Many people over the years have wanted to adapt the lyrics to certain things they do. I thought that was a really great thing, especially for Squarespace. They love people so much, new entrepreneurs who work after hours to start their own businesses, ”said Parton. “‘5 to 9’ seemed like a perfect thing when they threw it.”

Parton uses Squarespace to create a website for its new perfume,

The singer, who is also an actor, producer, humanitarian and more, said she can relate to business people who work around the clock to achieve their goals.

“Well, I work 365 (days a year). I always work from 5 to 9, 9 to 5. I work all hours of the day and night, ”she said. “Whatever you have to do, you have to get it done, no matter how many hours it takes.”

In an interview with The Associated Press, Parton spoke of turning from “9 to 5” as part of this year’s Super Bowl, donating $ 1 million to coronavirus research and think of her brother Randy Parton, who died last month. Answers have been adjusted for length and clarity.


AP: Are you excited to be a part of this year’s Super Bowl?

Parton: I’ve been asked several times to be a part of that. It’s always such a great commitment. I’ve always been a little crazy. I know it’s just a big commitment. If you do it right, you do it great. If you do it badly, you do it badly for all those people. This seemed like the perfect way to do it.

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AP: What was it like writing “9 to 5” over 40 years ago?

Parton: That song just stays so true to people who get out – you get up in the morning, you stagger into the kitchen, you pour your coffee, you try to get your ass going, you try to get up and knowing to work that you have to do it. I’m very happy. This is the 40th anniversary of “9 to 5” since the movie came out. We are celebrating, so this couldn’t have happened at a better time.


AP: You donated $ 1 million to coronavirus research – what forced you to do that?

Parton: Well, I follow my heart. I am a person of faith and I pray all the time that God will lead me in the right direction and let me know what to do. When the pandemic first hit, that was my first thought, “I have to do something to help find a vaccination.” I just did some research with the folks at Vanderbilt (University) – they’re wonderful people, they’ve been so good to my people over the years in times of illness and stuff. I just asked if I could donate a million dollars to research for a vaccine.

I get a lot more credit than I deserve I guess, but I was just happy to be a part of that.


AP: Did you have your chance?

Parton: No. I’m not going to get mine until there are more people around. I don’t want it to look like I’m jumping the line just because I’ve donated money. I am very funny about that. I’ll go get mine, but I’ll wait. I’m at the age I could have legally gotten mine last week. I turned 75. I wanted to do it on my birthday and I thought, “No, don’t do that.” You look like you are just doing a show. None of my work is really like that. I didn’t do it for a show. I’m going to get mine. I want it. I am going to get it. When I get it I’ll probably do it in front of the camera so people will know and I’ll tell them the truth, if I have symptoms and all. Hopefully it will encourage people. I’m not going to cross the line just because I could.


AP: How does it feel to be 75?

Parton: Well, I plan on being around much longer. I have no plans to slow down because the number says I should. I’m not paying attention to that. I wake up every day with new dreams. I try to make the most of every year that I have lived. I’ve been doing that since I was little. I’ll do it until I fall over. Hopefully that won’t happen soon.


AP: Your brother Randy recently passed away from cancer. How are you?

Parton: Well, we are heartbroken. We loved him so much. He has fought very hard for the past year. Randy was a great performer, entertainer. He was very dear to me. He was one of my younger brothers. I lost my little brother last year, around the same time of year. This really was a double blow for all of us. There is a certain kind of peace that comes from knowing that he is at peace and that he was suffering, and we didn’t like that. He is dearly loved. You just go around with a hole in your heart and a knot in your stomach. You just think of him, love him, try to keep your precious memories. You have to keep going. We are a close family, so we support each other.
