Did Vadhir Derbez record herself privately? Scandal!

Vadhir derbez, who along with his colleagues in the artistic medium is exposed to showcasing his sexuality on social networks as happened recently with Gabriel Soto, has now been questioned for the approval of the Olympia Law, that wants to punish crimes that violate this kind of privacy via digital media.

Despite the fact that the actor said he did not know at all what this law is about, he spoke out for these legal reforms and during an interview for the program Come the joy noticed:

“The truth is, I support these kinds of laws because you have to respect everyone’s privacy.”

Vadhir Derbez reveals whether he would be admitted

However, Eugenio Derbez’s son could not hide the nervousness he felt upon hearing questions about whether he had been admitted privately, saying only with a broad smile, “No … thank you.”

On the other hand, Vadhir Derbez also talked about his taste for music, and since his father has not exploited that facet, he revealed that it is thanks to his mother that he has and developed that talent.

Vadhir derbez

Vadhir derbez

Vadhir thanked his mother

“I owe it to my mom, here comes the whole musical part, she’s a lifelong singer, so I think growing up I absorbed a lot of that, and I love to be able to play her musical part 100% “explained the son of Eugenio Derbez.

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We recommend you. – Vadhir Derbez reveals he needs a new LOVE after infidelity

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