Probetas de laboratorio – CSIC – ARCHIVO
Investigadores de la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología Rey Abdalá (KAUST, por sus siglas en inglés), and Arabia Saudí, han desarrollado and material que imita the piel humana and cuanto a resistcia, estirabilidad and sensibilidad para recopilar data biológicos and tiemógicos. It is an ‘es-kin’, it is an important part of the papel and the prótesis de próxima generación, de medicina personalizada, de robótica blanda and the inteligencia artificial, adelantan los científicos and la revista ‘Science Advances’.
“The ideal electronics imitates the natural function of human nature, temperature and tactics, precise form and actual time,” dice and KAUST Yichen Cai’s post-doctorate.
Sin embargo, fabricar dispositivos electrónicos adecuadamente flexibles que puedan realizar tareas tan delicadas al mismo tiempo que soportan los golpes y raspaduras de la vida cotidiana es un desafío, and cada material include thebe diseñarse cuidadosamente.
The electro-technical mayor of the factory and the manufacture of nanomaterials (sensor) and a superficial elastics that can be applied to a human body. Sin embargo, de conexión entre estas capas and menudo demasiado débil, lo que to reduce the durable and sensitive material; in the cambio, so is the future, the flexibility and the limit, the chances are that the agriete and the switching.
“The panorama of the electronics of the electrical network and a rhythm espectacular –destaca Cai–. The image of the sensory 2D representation of the electronic equipment for integrated materials and the functional and functional functions of the device”.
One kit created by the Cai and the Colega Jie Shen is an electric car and uses a hidrogel reforzado with nanoparticles of the type or an electric car and a titanio 2D MX carburetor and another nano conductor.
“Solve the channels of the time of 70 of the day, see if you are compatible with the reins of man,” explains Shen. The device is in the direction of the sensor and the permanent monitoring, including the use of the nanocables and the control group of the leisure, from the researcher who has evolved into the permanent sensor which is intact, including the original material of 28 veces on the original tama.
The electronics sector prototype is detected 20 centimeters from the distance, responder and menu bar of a segundo and the presión of the presión, the presión stands out from the escritura and the manometer. Continuous function of 5,000 deformations, recovery and against payment of a second group.
“It’s a log for an electrical re-user of the duration of using a repeated – resalta Shen -, it is reflective of the elasticity and recovery of the human body”.
There are different types of electronic equipment that have a varied biologica information, an arterial presión and a presión arterial device, a detective of the vibraciones and the arterias have great freedom of movement and great articulaciones. This data is available near the Wi-Fi connection.
“Un obstáculo que queda el uso generalizado de las pieles electrónicas radica en la ampliación de los sensores de alta resolución – agrega el líder del grupo, Vincent Tung – sin embargo, la fabricación aditiva asistida por láser ofrece una nueva promesace”.
“Prevemos un futuro para esta tecnología más allé de la biología –prosigue Cai–. The sensor expandable podría algún de controler or salud estructural of objetos inanimados, como muebles and aviones”.