Daughter of the leader of Patrulla 81, takes her life 3 months after the death of the singer

It is Saturday, it turned out that minutes before 4pm emergency team from Durango, received one warning for suicide attempt by a phone call, so the authorities immediately came to attend the reported incident, as reported in Telediario Durango, a multimedia company.

A woman reportedly reported entering the room where her mother was, who had a rope around her neck. Elements of the Red Cross they went to the place and confirmed the unfortunate death of the wife of 41 years old.

Local media said, detailed that the woman in question is about Alma Rosa Gámiz (Alma Medina) daughter of José Ángel Medina, group leader ‘Patrol 81’, which unfortunately does 3 months, lost the fight against COVID-19

Pink Soul daughter Jose Angel Medina Suicide Patrol Leader 81

It was also detailed that it was found lifeless in his House located in the Fraccionamiento Lomas, in the Cerro del Sacrificio. In addition, they reported that he apparently had laryngeal cancer and it would have been a few days ago diagnosed with Covid-19, so he would have already been in treatment to face the virus.

About his contamination of COVID-19, Alma Rosa is known to go to the Mexico City in December 2020, where he stayed for two weeks and days afterwards returned to Durango

Pink Soul daughter Jose Angel Medina Suicide Patrol Leader 81

Likewise, the latest messages from the daughter of the leader of ‘Patrol 81 ‘, where he made it clear that he had no good relationship with them brothers and sisters and in the latter publication which is dated February 17th, you can read: “That’s how gossip is done, like wildfire. I had to see my mom and my sister wouldn’t let me see herWho knows how much he argued because when he starts arguing he talks really fast. Total: I told him ‘if she is sick, give it to me to take to the doctor (doctor)’ and he said again ‘you are not going to see her!’

In another post he posted the same day, talked about death and in the publication you can read in an image: What if I die today? -Nothing … Today they look at you, tomorrow they bury you and eventually forget you “, but she added something to the text and wrote: “They wouldn’t even go to my funeral.”

Meanwhile in the social media from ‘Patrol 81’, a image with a black bow, without giving more details on the reason, although followers have already begun to give condolences for the death of Alma Rosa.
