Daughter of leader of the Patrulla 81 group found dead

The Durango prosecutor’s office reported the death of 41-year-old Alma Rosa Medina Gámiz, the daughter of the late singer José Ángel Medina, of the Patrulla 81 group this weekend. The events took place around 4 p.m. on Saturday. hours in the city of Durango, where a call for help was received he was warned of the unconscious condition of a woman in the subsection of Lomas del Parque.

The house was attended by Red Cross paramedics and elements from various security companies, who tried to revive it. When it was determined that she no longer had vital signs, Alma Rosa’s body was transferred to the amphitheater, where the legal autopsy confirmed the cause of death to be suicide from asphyxiation by hanging.

It turned out that the daughter of the former leader of Patrulla 81, a Mexican regional band, suffered from laryngeal cancer and was at diagnosis COVID-19 illness that led to his father’s death last November. In the social networks of the Duranguense group, an image with a black bow was posted, as well as the lyrics of the song “Puerto de ilusión”, with which the followers expressed their condolences in the comments.

