Cynthia Rodríguez spoke about her romance with Carlos Rivera

The conductor of Come the joy, Cynthia Rodriguez became a topic of conversation after a former student of The Academy, Toñita will reveal that he quit his artistic career on the television station Ajusco.

In addition, Toñita questioned the sentimental relationship with the singer Carlos Rivera, sparking controversy among entertainment fans.

That’s why Cynthia spoke through the podcast of ‘La Resolana sin Censura’ about the rumors about the lie of her courtship.


“They made up a rumor that I am in a false relationship, and that is contractual. First they said it was because I … the day the note came out it was: ‘Cynthia is dating for a contract, it’s fake and it’s because she wants to go to Televisa,’ said the presenter.

In addition, the singer also pointed out that the day that rumor spread: “I had just signed a contract with Azteca, so I laughed; when that note came out, I laughed a lot because it was from ‘Imagine’ ”.

Listen to the podcast here:

And he added, “If you don’t publish it, if you don’t share a lot, people start inventing a thousand things. Let them find out! ”.
