Cyberpunk 2077 players are haunted by a ghost

Cyberpunk 2077 players on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PC and Google Stadia are haunted by a ghost, but not because there is a ghost stalking players in the open-world RPG, but because of a bug. It’s been a minute since the last Cyberpunk 2077 update released meaning there have been a variety of bugs in the game for weeks now. For example, the ghost of Adam Smasher follows players and pops up at random times to scare the Bojangles chicken out.

In recent weeks, players have started reporting the bug, but many thought it was just a myth until recently. One player who took to Reddit confirmed that the bug is indeed real with a video of Adam Smasher hunting them.

At this point, it is unclear what causes this bug, which platforms it does and does not plague, and how often it occurs. Nor is it clear how to avoid it and whether there is a solution to it.

Adam Smasher’s ghost is one thing. I’ve seen it too. from r / cyberpunkgame

At the time of publication, CD Projekt Red has not officially addressed the bug. If this changes, we will definitely update the story. And of course, if more information about the bug itself comes up, we’ll update the story with that information too.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available through the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PC, and Google Stadia, and right now it’s still a bit of a buggy mess no matter what platform you’re playing on, but it’s also drastically improved from launch. It’s in pretty good shape now, but far from perfect and far from bug free.

For more coverage of the best-selling open-world RPG – including all the latest news and all the latest bugs – click here or check out the relevant links below:
