V can double jump. Here’s how.
There is a wide variety of cyberware upgrades you can get on V in Cyberpunk 2077. These range from new zoom-in eyes to reinforced legs that allow you to make huge jumps. You can even get one double jump and a charged jump to your character. Here’s how to do that.
In this Cyberpunk 2077 guide:
How to Unlock Double Jump in Cyberpunk 2077
To unlock Double Jump in Cyberpunk 2077, you need to go to Victor Vektor, the Ripperdoc you’ll encounter at the start of the game. A good way to find him is to go into your journal and select the quest where you can pay him back the money owed. This will lead you to him, or you can go to the location shown in the image below.
Once you are there, talk to Victor and check out the range of cyberware items he offers. The double jump is listed under the Legs menu. It takes 45,000 eddies to install. If you’re short on money, be sure to check out our guide to making money.
How to unlock charge jump
To unlock the charge jump, you must also go to Victor. You can find the charged jump upgrade under the Legs menu, it will cost you 45,000 eddies. Hold the jump button to charge your jump and release to fly into the air.
That’s how you unlock jump upgrades in Cyberpunk 2077. For more information on Night City, check out our Romance guide. Once you’re done there, check out our look at the Three Different Paths of Life.
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