Cyberpunk 2077 has solved the storage corruption issue

People on the street (ee-da-dee-da-day) in a Cyberpunk 2077 screenshot.

Hotfix 1.06 cyberslip down Cyberpunk 2077’s cyber chimney overnight and destroyed a small handful of bugs, including a major one: the problem of save files getting corrupted when they grow to 8MB. Pass that limit, and boosh, your save is gone, irrecoverable. This actually only affected people who do a lot of tinkering, but it was certainly worthless. So now it is resolved.

Along with tweaks to make the console version crash less, the hotfix 1.06 patch notes mention two things that are relevant to us on PC:

  • Dum Dum will no longer go missing at the entrance to Totentanz during Second Conflict.
  • The 8MB limit for save files has been removed. Note: This will not restore save files that were damaged before the update.

As someone whose save file is more than 5MB long before the end of the game (I’ve done a lot of side stuff and quite a bit of tinkering), I had started to worry. Good to see it resolved. Hopefully, people who hit the limit will have safe storage to fall back on, as corrupted files cannot be recovered.

You may think it’s a niche problem, but if you’re investing something in crafting, you probably have to go hard for it. It takes tons of skill points, time and creation to make the feature worthwhile, encouraging players to craft a million items so they can find gear that is really worth using. Just another way that this game’s outdoor system is broken, annoying and – worst of all – out of style.

I enjoy the big, bold world of Cyberpunk 2077 very much, the closest I’ve felt a game came to Mega-City One (including in the Judge Dredd game!) And the other dizzying dystopian cities I grew up with as a kid from the 80’s. It’s a nice walking simulator as long as you don’t hang around long enough to be distracted by disappearing pedestrians, dumb cars and other such shortcomings. I also have some interesting characters and stories in mind. But like I said on the Advent calendar, bug fixes alone can’t make Cyberpunk 2077 a great game – too many systems are basically a bit of rubbish. Fingers crossed for an ‘Enhanced Edition’ relaunch next year?

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