Yesterday, CD Projekt Red had a major emergency call with investors to discuss the condition of Cyberpunk 2077 and what it means for its DLC and multiplayer plans. It’s no secret that the game’s launch brought a ton of bugs, I’ve been through a ton on PC myself – but for players on last-generation consoles, Cyberpunk is in an even sadder state. CDPR says their focus is now on improving the base game, but there are concerns that the amount of work involved could affect new content planned for years to come.
“After three delays, we were too focused on releasing the game. We have underestimated the scale and complexity of the problems, ”said Adam Kiciński, CDPR Chairman of the Board of Directors.
“We ignored the signs that more time was needed to refine the game on the latest generation of consoles. It was the wrong approach and went against our corporate philosophy. “
The next part of the recording is a bit blurry, but it talks about how the developers “lost gamers’ trust,” as well as the reputation they’ve built. To fix the issue, he reiterates the same points mentioned in the statement CDPR released yesterday, saying major patches are on the way for Xbone and PS4 versions of Cyberpunk, with regular updates and fixes also coming to the PC.
“We will do everything we can to prove that we live up to our values,” he adds. “We really hope that our efforts will help rebuild the trust we have lost.”
For the next 40 minutes of the call, inquiries came in from investors who wanted to know how Cyberpunk’s problems could have been avoided and whether this would affect their ability to release the upcoming DLCs and multiplayer mode over the next few years. years.
I’ll admit this is the part I’m most interested in, I’d love to run through Night City with my friends sooner rather than later, but CDPR seems a bit unsure about their multiplayer release plans.
“It is too early to judge,” says Kiciński. ‘We do not know yet. We are now focused on improving Cyberpunk and will discuss this early next year. “
Sadly, another businessman is considering whether CDPR should try to release Cyberpunk’s multiplayer in 2023, as opposed to the vaguely anticipated 2022. Kiciński reiterates his previous point, saying they “haven’t confirmed a date yet,” and will release it in January. discuss. .
CDPR is asked if the game could have done more testing before release. Kiciński says that while not a “major source of trouble,” CDPR ran fewer tests than they would have liked because of Covid-19. Most of the tests were done in-house because CDPR could send a kit to their home-based staff, while external tests were more difficult because it should have been done in test centers.
Another investor asks if having more developers overall would have made a difference, to which board member Michał Nowakowski says no – deploying more people wouldn’t have really helped.
Nowakowski adds that the reasons the last-generation versions of Cyberpunk broke so much is because they “focused on the next generation and PC performance rather than the current generation.”
However, despite that focus, players across all platforms have reported a ton of whine – from crashes to disappearing dicks. For many players on PC, the game-breaking stuff seems to be pretty minimal, although it certainly still exists. I have personally had Jackie phase through a few walls, forcing me to restart missions, which is not much fun.
CDPR has already released a minor hotfix to fix some issues, but it looks like they still have a lot of work to do.
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