Cubans Respond to the Death of Filmmaker Enrique Pineda Barnet: Luz, Maestro

| 12/01/2021 – 5:45 PM (GMT-4)

Many Cubans have commented on the death of the famous filmmaker Enrique Pineda Barnet, who passed away on Tuesday January 12 at the age of 87 in Havana.

“Today, dear friend Enrique Pineda Barnet, a film director, an honest and respectable man who honored us with his friendship,” said Susana Miguel on Facebook. “Cuban cinema is losing one of its pillars and those of us who have had the privilege of knowing and working with him, a friend we will always remember with admiration and respect,” he added.

Sad news, Enrique Pineda Barnet has always been a very smart being and a filmmaker who knew how to embrace with his beauty and in his cinema the talent of several generations of artists who found in Enrique an unparalleled opportunity to learn and collaborate with a large number of the whole culture. Lots of light for your journey. Thank you for your wonderful legacy, MAESTRO, ”said editor Ricardo Acosta.

‘You were wonderful and a teacher, Enrique. Many friends and I will miss you, especially Héctor Noas ”, the musician Polito Ibáñez said on Facebook.

Capturing Facebook messages.

“I will always think of you with infinite love and gratitude for all the displays of affection, trust and respect that you have given me over 20 years of friendship. You will leave a great void in Cuban culture and in the hearts of all of us enjoying your friendship, your gatherings and your incomparable Sleeping Beans !! Wrote user Manuel Rodríguez-Leyva. “Luz, maestro,” said others.

Actor Héctor Noas, who accompanied the filmmaker to the last minute, has made no publications about the loss. In September, Noas asked for help on social media to get a drug that Pineda urgently needed.

‘You can’t miss the drug Copidrogel. It hasn’t been possible for months and I don’t have anyone to go to. Still missing. So far, good friends have helped, giving up some of theirs at the risk of running out of medication, ”said Noas.

Noas explained that the filmmaker had experienced several cases of cerebrovascular accidents, leaving him in a vulnerable state. However, the cause of death is unknown at this time.

Pineda Barnet was a director, screenwriter and writer. One of his most remembered works in Cuban cinema is film The beauty of the Alhambra (1989). In 2006 he received the 2006 National Film Award for his work as a whole.

Ten years later, he was awarded the Coral of Honor at the 38th edition of the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema, in recognition of all of his filmography, which spans more than 20 titles, including feature films and short fiction, as well as documentaries.

Also in his work is striking Giselle, the only ballet film made in Latin America and considered one of the most successful recordings in the ballet world.

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