Cuban musician Efrén Rubén dies in the United States

1 | 27/12/2020 – 11:29 PM (GMT-4)

Young Cuban musician and singer-songwriter Efren Rubén passed away in the United Stateshis manager Danny Jacomino confirmed last Christmas night.

“All his friends, his family and his band are devastated. I just ask his fans to keep him in their memory, to share their good faith and their music,” he said in a video on his social networks.

Jacomino said the young artist was killed in an accident that “we are not quite clear”, but that “Efren ceased to exist, he left us very soon.”

The news has hit his followers, friends and colleagues in the music scene, who have reflected their pain and shock on social networks.

The troubadour Frank Delgado, with whom he shared the stage several times in Cuba as bassist and second voice, regretted the news.

My dear, your departure took my breath away. Light for you ‘wrote the singer-songwriter.

After years of guiding various artists and being part of groups such as Hard currency, Efrén Rubén had released his solo album It is too much, last November.

In August, he appeared at the virtual ceremony of the Latin Awards Chicago, awards in which he was nominated.

That same week, he delighted his followers with the theme The train of joy, a message full of love and good vibes for the Christmas season.

Efrén Rubén was born in Ciego de Ávila and has lived in Miami for over 8 years. He leaves behind his wife and two daughters.

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