Cruz Azul sees neither ‘backwards nor forwards’, living in the moment: Pol Fernández

Mexico City

In Blue cross know that in this first third of the tournament, they have a gait that has been the tenor of the team since some previous tournaments, such as Pedro Caixinha Y Robert Dante SiboldiIt is so, now Juan Reynoso He’s instilled in them a mindset of working every day without making comparisons or looking beyond what they should be doing on any day of the championship, he explained on Thursday: Pol Fernández.

“We think from day to day, we shouldn’t take the focus away from that, because we will make a mistake if we think about breaking records or something. We don’t look forward or backward, we are in the moment that we are, enjoy and do what the Profe is. asks ushe said at a press conference.

On the other hand, as for next Saturday’s game against Lion, the current Mexican soccer champion, the soccer player made it clear that it will be an opportunity for both teams to measure their capabilities despite the fact that the fair he finds himself at an uncomfortable moment when he takes the last places of the general table.

“We are at a good time, we want to confirm that. We are aware that we are dealing with a team that was recently champions. It’s a good measure for both of us“, he said.

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