Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: They analyze a nail in a box with a cross from a Czech monastery – Europe – International

A team of archaeologists found several Christian relics in the Saint-Gilles church, located in Milevsko, a town about 70 kilometers south of Prague, in the Czech Republic.

One of which is a six-inch nail that could have been used at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago.
The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

(Also read: The archaeologist who claims to have found Jesus’ house in Nazareth).

Czech researchers have been working on this monastery, built in 1187, for several months now. They recently discovered a secret passageway that leads to a room they call “the treasury”.

According to experts, this place was used to store strange elements found during the raids of the Hussite forces at the beginning of the 15th century.

(Also: life imprisonment for a nun and priest who murdered a nun).

“Because the Hussites destroyed the archive, there was no information that such a thing was here,” Czech news agency ‘Jiří Šindelář’, a participant in the discovery, revealed to the Czech news agency (ČTK).

In that secret room was true They found a wooden box decorated with a 21-karat gold cross, silver ornaments and the inscription “IR” (These letters could be the Latin abbreviation for Iesus Rex, meaning ‘Jesus is King’). Inside was the aforementioned nail.

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Dozens of nails related to the crucifixion of Jesus have already been discovered

The clues that have led researchers to believe that the nail was used in the crucifixion of Jesus is the wood used to make the box and the gold embedded in it.

That gave the Czech media ‘Idnes’ the researchers determined that the wooden part belongs to the period between 260 and 416 AD

beside During the Middle Ages, gold was an extremely rare metal and was only used in the manufacture of things that were completely exceptional due to its rarity, price and importance.

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(Can you read us from the app? See here nail image)

Was the nail really used in the crucifixion of Jesus?

Investigators have not yet assured with complete certainty that the nail came from the “True Cross” on which the Messiah was crucified.

While the discovery could be of great interest to archaeological science, More research needs to be done to determine the exact age of the object. For this reason, the authenticity of the nail will be verified by other scientific experts sometime next year.

In dialogue with ČTK, they noted that it is a bigger find than that of the San Mauro reliquary: a large gold box containing fragments of the bodies of the saints San Mauro, San Juan Bautista and San Timoteo.

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One of the reasons they are skeptical of the finding is that Dozens of nails related to the crucifixion of Jesus have already been discovered.

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