Cristiano Ronaldo apologizes to Juventus fans ‘for the worst game’

Roma /

Cristiano Ronaldo and Leonardo Bonucci they apologized to fans of the Juventus this Wednesday for the defeat (3-0) against the Fiorentina Tuesday in Turin, the team’s “worst” performance this season in his opinion.

The ‘bianconeriThey played most of the game with 10 after the Colombian was sent off Juan Cuadrado in the 18th minute and they were awarded their first league defeat of the season.

The worst Juventus of this first part of the season. My apologies to the fans. There’s nothing more to add, ”he said Bonucci, captain of the ‘Old woman‘, in Instagram.

“Yesterday (Tuesday), with this disappointing performance and a result far from acceptable, we played our last game of 2020, a special year for several things, ”he followed Cristiano Ronaldo, also in Instagram.

“The empty stadiums, the covid protocols, delayed games, long discounts and a very tight schedule, ”he noted five times golden Ball. “But this it is not an excuse. We know we need to give it more play better and win in style“.

We are Juventus! And you just can’t accept anything less than excellence on the field, ”he added.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.
